2022年8月19日 星期五


有時每天的信息會重新回到我的意識中,我總是把它當作他們想要再次分享的標誌。這條消息最初是在 2014 年 8 月 14 日發布的。我昨天讀了它,它有如此可愛的能量,我認為這將是開始我們一周的完美方式,所以就在這裡!

Sometimes daily messages come back into my awareness and I always take it as a sign that they want to be shared again. That happened with this message that was originally posted way back on August 14, 2014. I read it yesterday and it had such a lovely energy I thought it would be the perfect way to start our week, so here it is!


Dear Ones, you understand that the way to create the New Earth is through love, but for many of you that has become a concept that sounds good but is difficult to understand. Your minds wonder, how can love really make that much of a difference?


Love is essential to the Shift because love is the energy of Source. It is moving back to your divine essence, your true roots, your authentic power centre. To love is to proceed and make decisions from your highest self. It connects, it includes, it inspires, it encourages, it accepts, it unifies, it harmonizes, it heals. It is heart-centered living that embraces and uplifts both the one and the all. To choose love is to anchor the energies of heaven on earth.


Do you see? Love is complex and multi-faceted, yet delightfully simple. It is yours to use, whenever you choose, and is the way to create the world, and life expressions, you dream of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


