2015年12月9日 星期三


摯愛的人們 : 此刻這個世界正處於前所未有不斷增加能量作用的劇痛中,同時這把

Beloved Ones, The world at this time is in the throes of ever increasingenergies and this is bringing to light many formerly hidden truthsthat now rise to the surface to be acknowledged, accepted,surrendered and healed. There are many secrets coming out into thelight of day which bring with their revelations, a sense ofunreality to those who have risen above the impact that this makeson the world at large. This is because those of you reading thismessage have moved into a different vibration and quite often, youfeel as though you are viewing another world entirely when youobserve the happenings upon it. Keep steady in holding your visionof wholeness and perfection for the Earth and all of herinhabitants, calling upon the Violet Flame is having a beneficialeffect. We would ask that you extend this practice beyond December11th for at least another week.

如果一個人能以超越“現行媒體新聞資源”的方式去看,他就會發現確實 ​存在著許多積極正向且仁慈的事情在全球範圍發生。人們正從“內在”和“外在”感受自己心靈的開放,同時他們的仁慈之心在每個地方都能被看到!愛無處不在,它是心中的溫暖,並且在它被接收的時候帶來療癒的力量。對於抵消此刻體系結構中正不斷發生的混亂,“愛”起到至關重要的作用。這就是你能夠開始“付出”的時候,作為你對已發生的一切,扭轉它進入到可能的最高結果。運用你的光,就在製造這種極被需要的平衡。

If one looks beyond the prevailing news sources, one willfind that there are many positive and benevolent happeningsoccurring across the world. People are inwardly and outwardlyfeeling their hearts open and their compassion is seen everywhere!Love abounds and it is heart warming and healing when encounteredby its recipients. Love is much needed to counteract the systematicchaos that has been taking place. This is where your trainingbegins to pay off as you take what is presented and turn it intothe highest outcome that can come of it. Wielding your Light iscreating the balance that is needed. 


As you work in unison with the greater Light that isavailable at this juncture, you can move forward much more easilythan before. Holding to your desire to see a peaceful, harmoniousand loving world will continue to manifest this energy which bringshealing to all. There will come a time when those who do not havethe greater good of the world and its inhabitants in their heartswill not be able to function in the increased frequencies. Thiswill see all their structures and works collapse and begin theirdownward descent into decay. All that was in place will have to bereadjusted in order to be in compliance with the greater Light andPlan for this planet and its peoples. In the meantime, it isimportant to stay the course in your efforts and lovingactivities. 


When one individual looks upon the happenings in theworld, it is easy to become discouraged. We want you to know thatyou are not alone during these times, that you are ever surroundedby the Legions of Light and that love will prevail. Be the exampleof this love in the world in whatever way presents itself. Remainsteadfast, strong and true as you remain surely on your path.Always listen to the still and quiet voice within you and followyour heart's promptings. Put one foot in front of the other andcontinue in your efforts. 

去享受與你家庭成員,朋友與社區的歡聚時刻,現在是一個時間,為你獲得的所有祝福,大的小的都給予感謝。“感恩的心”將把你帶向正確的方向,而宇宙會以同樣的方式回應你。就在你經曆日常的活動時,去感受喜悅,感受愛在你心中的擴展。這會以你從未明白的方式更多的幫助你們的世界。這個世界倍受著祝福,因為你的存在其中。請保持和平,摯愛的人們! 直到下個星期,我是Hilarion

Enjoy the times with your family members, friends andcommunity, it is a time to give thanks for all your blessings,great and small. The attitude of gratitude will take you in theright direction and the universe will respond in kind. Feel thejoy, feel the love that expands within you as you go about yourdaily activities. This helps your world more than you can everknow. The world is blessed because of your presence in it. Be atpeace, Beloveds!

