2015年12月31日 星期四

【Brenda Hoffman】12月29日《創造和慶祝》

親愛的一們    Dear Ones,


Are you ready? Are you frightened or excited? For your life will never be the same as it was in November of 2015.


You are different. You cannot yet perhaps feel that difference, but you are no longer of the earth. Of course, you awake each morning in your bed. You continue to pay bills and care for your children or parents, but you are no longer of the earth.


Many of you assumed that such a shift could only be indicated by a major earth catastrophe OR that you would find yourself in white robes floating into the heavens. Neither was a probability once you en masse decided to be of the 5th dimension.


That decision merely opened your possibilities. It did not require a destruction of your earth. Nor did it require leaving earth as has so often been described. Your ascension was to be of earth. And so it was.

你是不同的---超越你可以想像的   You are different –​​ far beyond what you can now imagine.


Think of yourself moving to a new and more prosperous country. You do not yet speak the language – but you will very soon. And once you do, you will create whatever you wish, whenever you wish.


Your first task in this new country is to create a safe and secure place for you to prosper. That is what you are now creating. It would be extremely difficult to change your life for the better in your new country if you were living under a bridge without food or clothing. So it is your first step in this new land is to create your security. So you are.

Once you realize you are able to create that security – and you will, if you have not already – you will understand how different your new being is. And that all that was prophesized is a rea​​lity – not a dream.
So it is that you first 5D creation is security and safety. After that, after you fully believe, there are no limits.


So we wish you a joyous creation period – as you discover new you and the security that allows you to experiment with your new being and new skills.

你們許多人在慶祝此刻很多的節日。在未來,你很有可能把這個時刻添加到你節日的事件中。因為這就是你的喜悅,你的自由---不止慶祝一個新的存在,而有你的整體,所有哦些超越3D去探索的人。就是如此。阿門 !

Many of you are celebrating a number of holidays at this time. In the future, you will most likely add this time to your chain of holiday events. For this is your joy, your freedom – and the celebration of not just one new being, but of the totality of you and all others who wish to explore beyond 3D. So be it. Amen.


