2015年3月13日 星期五


Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian HighCouncil.


As you may know I am currentlyworking full time with the Earth Council. Presently we arebombarded with numerous requests for counsel and guidance. Thereare many tricksters who are self-promoting or who are leadinggullible ones down some paths that are not for their highest good.It is important for ground crew to remain discerning for thesetimes can be somewhat tricky. This is part of the ascensionprocess. It is one of ferreting out the truth from the false.“Beware of wolves in sheeps' clothing.”


What we know as truthis that you are sincere in your desire to assist the earth'sascension. We are in alignment with you. We are doing everythingthat we can to guide the process and to make it as simple aspossible. A new system that is life sustaining cannot be builtovernight. The foundation must be laid. The foundation needs to bestrong and built upon the correct principles. We are incorporatinguniversal laws and principles that work. It is exciting andexasperating too. We see that old programs with which you have beenaccustomed have to be demolished energetically prior to newstructures being built. Step by step this is happening. Fortunatelywe do not have to go through your onerous systems to make change.Ours work systemically and are supported by the Light.


We are impressed with the progressthat is being made on every level. We are grateful to you for thehard work that you are doing. Our Creator is pleased. The earth isgrateful too. She is beginning to have more say in her ownwellbeing. We need you to stand up for her and for life on theplanet. This is a co-operative venture.


There are millions ofships in the sky surrounding the earth. Most are cloaked so theycannot be seen. They are learning from you, protecting you, andstaying on call should they be needed in an emergency. They havevarious roles according to their specialties. Right now the earthneeds help with balance. She is changing rapidly so with everyaction there is a rea​​ction. We are also grateful to the inner earthbeings that do their jobs in maintaining balance. More will belearned about them in the future.


Our scientists are constantlymonitoring your atmosphere. There are many contaminants that aredetrimental to life both on and off the planet that are sourcedfrom the earth. It's like what happens to the human body when manydrugs are ingested and the interactions of the drugs becomeproblematic. Let's say these contaminants are not supportive tolife and we get to determine how we can help clean them up. Theearth is suffering and so is life. We find this tragic.


With our combinedefforts our long desired plan for the earth's ascension will occur.This is a multi-dimensional process. Trying to figure it out withthe human brain is impossible. In our situation we are each givenparts of what we need to know. We can only reveal information as weare allowed. Many of you would like to know the whole picture yetyou must remember that the Creator is in charge. We are informedwhen we need to know.


We send our love andutmost respect for who you are and what you areaccomplishing.

我是米拉   I am Mira.

通靈:Valerie Donner   翻譯:NickChan 

