2015年3月25日 星期三

【耶穌】 20150321 《忘記愛是不可能的》


To experience Oneness isreally not that difficult, it is just a question of waitingpatiently and allowing it tohappen. To allow means that you do not attempt to be incontrol of the moment, of the situation, you just accept whatarises, and if nothing arises do not concern yourself about itbecause nothing arising is very, very close toOneness. Oneness is a state of alertattention, a state in which you observe – your feelings, yourthoughts, your environment, noises and smells, people or thingspassing – but do not engage with any of them so that you are alwaysready for and aware of the next thing, thought, feeling, orsensation that arises in this now moment, the only moment that hasreal meaning.


It is a very peacefulstate in which you are simply present, nothing more, and it isextremely healing because doubts and anxieties do not assail youwhen you relax into that peaceful state of perfect contentment,needing nothing. Do not be discouraged bythe fact that nothing appears to happen because“what happens” is of the illusion, itis a distraction from being. Oneness isjust being, and being is to be open to creation, to be open toLove, because your heart then expands and fills and replenishesitself from that infinite loving space that is all thatexists.


Don't judge yourself, and do forgive yourself for allthe judgments you have ever made. When youare forgiven you know that you are free, but only you can forgiveyourself. Another's forgiveness can bepleasing, satisfying, but the only real forgiveness is your own toyourself . And if you have not forgivenyourself you cannot truly forgive anyoneelse. There is always a “holding on to”the offense or hurt that you are attempting toforgive. You do not forget it, you juststore it away to refer to later in case another offense or hurtoccurs, and you call this experience, or even wisdom!


Love is always unconditionally accepting because Ithas nothing to forgive. If you hold on toa hurt or a grievance, then resentment grows and you shut out Love,and you can only do that within the illusion because outside theillusion, which is tiny, there is onlyLove . Anything that is in any way out ofharmony with Love is unreal, it does not and cannot exist exceptwithin the unreal state that is the illusion.


To not be experiencing Love constantly means that youare immersed in the illusion. Theoccasions of Love it seems that you experience within it are butbrief forays out of it. The illusion islike a pond in which you are immersed far beneath its surface andholding your breath, and from which you emerge for brief moments tobreathe in the Love on which your very existencedepends. Love is infinitely powerful, so adeep breath from Its endless abundance allows you to immerseyourself in the pond of the illusion for long periods oftime. And when you do, because it is thehuman condition, it is very easy either to forget about love – theweak faint image of real Love that is all that you can experienceas a human – or to convince yourself that you do not need itbecause it really only complicates life . .. until the next time you need to take abreath!


Forgetting Love, which is burying or denying yourneed for It, and focusing on living, on getting on with your life,is not possible! It is the life force,life itself as you live it as a human, and therefore you are alwaysconscious of it, even if you are not focusing your attentionthere. When It ceases or severely weakens,then you notice! Those of you who have hadNDEs (near death experiences) remain intensely aware of life, ofLove, when you return to your human bodies and to all thelimitations they appear to impose upon you.


Remember, in fact you can hardly forget, that fear isa very noticeable aspect of life in theillusion. This is because separation fromGod is utterly unnatural, even the thought of it is terrifying inthe extreme, and it does seem that you areseparated. Thus fear lurks constantly justbelow your level of conscious awareness, forever ready to come tothe surface to fill and freeze your mind and shut you off fromLove. As most of your experts in humanpsychology will confirm, you live daily with the fear ofdeath. Why? Because death appears to be the end, the complete termination ofexistence.


No one has ever come back from the dead to prove thatthere is no such thing, and while life may not be wonderful to loseconsciousness permanently does not in the least appeal to the vastmajority of humans. Belief in an afterlifecan help, but not if you believe that you could be sent tohell!


The only hell you will ever experience is one of yourown making, which can indeed be horrific and cause great suffering,but it is unreal. Once you truly forgiveyourself you will become aware that hell is unreal because throughself-forgiveness you open yourself to Love and to the realizationthat as a beloved child of God, Who is infinite Love, you areforever and eternally unconditionally accepted andloved. With the arrival of thatrealization hell, and any images of hell that you may have formed,will dissolve, dematerialize.


You have your eternal and uninterrupted existence inReality, within the infinite field of divine Love that contains andsupports all of God's creation, and outside of which nothing existsbecause there is no outside. It truly isextremely simple: you exist, you know you do because you areconscious , therefore you are always in the divinePresence.


This being the case there is no need for worry oranxiety of any kind, and any that you experience as humans isutterly unreal. However, it seems real aslong as you maintain it by focusing your attention on it, and onthe illusion that supports the games of separation in which youchose to participate.

自由於幻象,解脫自己,安靜你的頭腦,放下和擺脫幾乎恆常但經常無意識的思想流動(關於你作為人的幻像生活)很重要。這通常是一個持續的擔憂、焦慮和恐懼流動,關於你的價值,你嚴重受限的價值,作為一個個體在廣闊的系統中你感到難以注意到你,以及如何增加那個價值並被注意到- --也許拾取另一個研討會,講習班,另一個學位,工作或愛人。這成為幾乎恆常的擔憂狀態,想知道該做什麼來提高你的市場價值。

To free yourselves from the illusion, to disentangleyourselves from it, it is most helpful to quieten your mind, to letgo of and disengage from the almost constant but often unconsciousflow of thoughts passing through it concerning your life in theillusion as humans. It is generally anongoing flow of worry, anxiety, and fear about your value, yourseverely limited value as an individual in a vast system that youfeel sure hardly notices you, and how to increase that value and benoticed – perhaps by taking another workshop, another seminar,another degree, another job, anotherlover. It becomes an almost constant stateof worrying and wondering about what to do to improve your marketvalue!


But because you are all divine beings you cannotincrease your value in any manner at all. God does nothing by halves, therefore your value is alreadyinfinite!

你珍愛的兄長,耶穌  Your loving brother, Jesus.


通靈:John Smallman    翻譯:Nick Chan 

