2015年3月10日 星期二

委員會20150308 沒人可以比你現在所做的做得更好


Our message today will concernforgiveness. Once again weare speaking of something that is not new to most of you. However,it is an important thing for you to consider at thistime.


You may think that you have spentmore than enough time on this in past meditations, past healingpractices, past inner explorations. And for a great many of you, itis true that you have been very conscientious regarding theforgiveness of others. Some have even worked quite a bit onforgiving themselves. Some have understood the necessity of diggingout their resentments toward the universe and even divinity itselffor past situations. And these are all commendable. However, it isnow time to revisit the whole concept.


Why is that? Well, itis because you have done so well. It is precisely because you havecome so far now that there is now before you the opportunity tomake a final push into the next level consciousness. And so now youare being presented with the rising into your dreams andmeditations things with which you thought you were finished. “Whatis this?” you think. “I finished this years ago!”


Please do not be upset withyourselves over this. We could go into a long dissertation aboutthe cyclical nature of time. We could do the 'peeling the onion'thing. And, yes, there are those who are still in much earlierstages of this sort of clearing and forgiveness. So, whatevermethod you know or can find for clearing these things, do that. If,however, you are one of those whom we described above, and you havedevoted long years to clearing yourself, be aware that it ispossible that only the smallest traces of these things may remainin your consciousness to be finally cleared. You may only need tolook directly at what is presented to you, recognize it, and allowit to go on its way. Send it back to the light to be transformed.“ I am not this. I do not engage with this. I am now done with thesethings.”


It is a wonderful thing that somany of you are now in a place that allows us to bring you such amessage. The momentum you have achieved is nothing short ofremarkable. You may think accurately of it as escape velocity.Please don't imagine this to mean you are leaving you sweet planet.But you are certainly ready to leave the negativity behind. You aremore than ready, we think, to spend much more of your time findingand celebrating the beauty around you. See it everywhere. See iteven more in those places where it seems to be well hidden. Uncoverit. Restore it. It is time to begin the task of recreating beautyin your world. As always, it will come from within. As always, noone can do it where you are better than you can . Be our hands. Beour feet. Feel our love, our presence, and our joy.


通靈:Ronald Head   翻譯:NickChan

