2015年3月21日 星期六




You may be having difficulty finding your way asof late but as we have said to you, you have stepped on the roadsnot ever entered before, opened doors never openedbefore. In the rising ofthe light, you are now may be on a path where it is difficult tosee anything. That is why; trust your inner knowledge, wisdom. Openyour heart's eye. Make sure love and light flows, darlings. Youhave started to own your strength, some of you had not envisagedthis strength to be so intense, strong; yet you are so powerful.Every step made you stronger. Every dimension renewed, every dooropened, carries you to the next one. You continue to go throughchanges with these steps. Renewing each cell, cleaning each layer.Leaving behind your old shell. In the times ahead, focus on thepeace inside you. Without rushing, without resisting to what comesto you, evaluating, noticing. Knowing at which moments you mustslow down and be an observer for a while? Open yourselves to thewho​​le energy that flows to you , inhale the high vibration withdeep breaths, let your body be purified with the water you drink,invigorate your energy, digest universal knowledge with every bite.Allow us to renew you in your sleep. Dissolve in the warmth of thesun, enlighten in the light of the moon . Darlings, notice the giftsthat are offered to you and use them, with love.

愛與光   Love and Light


通靈:Gulcin Onel (MavininSesi)   翻譯:Nick Chan

