2015年3月23日 星期一



Dear Ones, why not stopfor a moment of appreciation for this magical moment intime? Thank yourself forchoosing to be on the planet, participating in the grand shift ofthe ages. You are doing such a magnificent job! Thank the otherhuman beings, who like you, are courageously being the ground crew.Thank the planet for giving you a world to experience. Thank theanimals for their loving and pure energy on your earth. Thank theearth and the plants for providing sustenance andhealing.


Thank the planets, for wonderfully aligning tosupport your growth, evolution and service. Thank your guides andhelpers, your ancestors, your angels, the masters for theirconsistent, encouraging and loving presence in your lives. ThankSource energy, for it's unconditional love, endless wisdom, beauty,glory and expansion (and recognize that you are a vital part ofthat love, wisdom, beauty, glory and expansion, aswell.)


Feel the appreciation that exists for you and all you do.There is magic in you and all around you. In your appreciation ofself and all, you only make it shimmer all the more beautifully.~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vhtl.html


By choosing to focus on the essence of what youwant, rather than what you do not want, you will masterfully pavethe road toward those desires. By seeking the essence, you willallow the universe all the room it needs to deliver to you thegreatest possible match, which you may not have even been aware of,or able to imagine. It is like giving free reign to a trustedartist to create whatever they want, because you know their work isbeautiful, divinely inspired and always delights you. That isco-creation at its finest. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vhvp.html

