2022年10月29日 星期六



Dear Ones, if you can accept that challenges often happen for your highest good, you can also accept that periods of ease can also happen for your highest good. There is a general distrust of ease amongst human beings that we would like to address today.


Ease is a natural part of the flow. Ease is a state of non-resistance. It is willing to accept the supports and guidance that are available for you. It is harnessing the gifts that come from surrendering into the flow with your faith and trust.


Choosing a conscious path of ease is not being lazy. It is not being naive. It is not being shoddy or taking shortcuts. It is simply choosing to embrace the tide, the natural cycles that occur as an overall system of balance and progress.


So trust! If the flow is attempting to take you somewhere, be willing to explore. You will have times where things come together with such speed and magic and efficiency it can be breathtaking to behold. Don’t throw a dam in your flow by being too distrusting to see where it is trying to take you.

雖然是的,但在某些情況下,事情可能好得令人難以置信,但這些情況通常是由 3D 能量產生的。我們想提醒你,也可能有一些事情奇蹟般地好和真實,因為它們是神聖的安排,它們旨在以最奇妙的方式席捲你。我們敦促您在生活中為這些祝福騰出空間。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

While yes, there can be instances where things are too good to be true, those are usually circumstances born of 3D energies. We wish to remind you there can also be instances where things are miraculously good and true because they are divinely orchestrated and they are designed to sweep you forward in the most wondrous ways. We urge you to make room in your life for such blessings. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


