2022年10月25日 星期二



Dear Ones, the ebbs and flows of the universe are designed to support and nourish you, always, in all ways. It may feel like you are being unnecessarily challenged but that is only because you do not have the vantage point to see how beautifully orchestrated your dance of life as a human being truly is. The signs and synchronicities you so often see are reassurances of that wonderful choreography. If you can embrace whatever is being supported with the full confidence you are being divinely guided and served, you will develop the ability to see even more of the intricacy, purpose, and perfection that is woven into every phase of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



It’s affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation is for all the gentle and sensitive souls out there who sometimes find it hard to stand up for themselves, doubt their worthiness, or struggle with receiving what’s fair. I hope you will embrace the energy of this simple yet powerful affirmation until it settles in on you like the comfiest sweater.

我很重要。      I matter.

