2022年1月28日 星期五


大家好!當我來到每天發送每日消息的十週年紀念日時,我一直在重新評估我的服務,並試圖想辦法讓我自己更好地平衡它。我確實非常喜歡寫日常信息,但我想在假期和周末讓自己自由,因為我注意到那些日子裡閱讀和分享的信息較少,我想讓那些日子成為家庭時間. 我確實意識到你們中的一些人真的很期待每天都有一條消息,所以一個合理的妥協似乎是在周末分享我的書的摘錄,所以這就是我要做的。我希望它為每個人創造雙贏。

Hi everyone! As I’ve come to the ten year anniversary of doing daily messages every single day, I’ve been reevaluating my service and trying to think of ways I can bring it into better balance for myself. I do enjoy writing the daily messages very much, but I would like to free myself up on holidays and weekends, as I’ve noticed the messages get read and shared less on those days and I’d like to make those days about family time. I do realize some of you really look forward to having a daily message every single day, so a reasonable compromise seemed to be sharing excerpts of my book on the weekends, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m hoping it creates a win/win for everyone.

更新:你們!老實說,自從我發布這篇文章以來,我收到了你們所有人的愛與支持,這讓我很感動。太感謝了。我不知道你是否知道這一點,但你可以將我的書用作接收特定信息的一種方式,方法是在書關閉時提出問題,然後將其打開到一個頁面。昨晚我問:“人們在星期天需要聽到什麼?” 這就是我打開這本書的信息。我認為它完全符合我們所說的主題!感謝大家參與我對更平衡服務的探索。

Update: You guys! Honestly, I am so moved by how many messages of love and support I have received from you all since I posted this. Thank you so much. I don’t know if you know this, but you can use my book as a means of receiving specific messages by asking a question while it’s closed and then opening it to a page. Last night I asked, “What do the people need to hear on Sunday?” and this was the message I opened the book to. I think it perfectly serves the theme we are speaking of! Thank you, all, for being part of my exploration of what more balanced service looks like.


Many helper souls have a strong tendency to put others before themselves. While your society has taught you that is noble, in reality that is exactly what leads to emotional and physical exhaustion. Some humans use helping as a shield to avoid doing their own healing and growth and begin to define themselves only through their efforts for others. Over time, they will find those efforts will never feel like enough and become less and less satisfying.


Externals, no matter how well intended they may be, will never make you whole. Your wholeness can only come from within, by embracing and honouring who you really are and your sacred connection to Source.

如果您真的希望為他人服務,請將您的靈魂成長和健康放在首位。這將讓你建立一個堅實的基礎,從一個賦權的地方真正幫助他人。被剝奪權利的幫助經常掩蓋低自尊並且失去平衡。真正的服務賦予每個人權力。〜大天使加百列通過雪萊·揚(Shelley Young)來自啟蒙靈魂的治愈香膏的消息63

If you really wish to be of service to others, put your soul growth and wellness first. That will allow you to create a firm foundation to truly help others from a place of empowerment. Disempowered helping frequently masks low self esteem and is out of balance. True service empowers everyone. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Message 63 from Healing Balm for the Enlightening Soul


