2022年1月17日 星期一



Today we would like to talk about an energy healing capability many of you don’t realize you have. We call it compassion hands. There are some energy healers who use brief, gentle touch to comfort and soothe those in need. They instinctively reach out and rub a back, pat a shoulder, touch an arm, or use any other small, supportive contact in order to give others an infusion of compassionate energy. Most often people with compassion hands don’t even realize they are energy healers because it feels so natural to them, but let us assure you, their service is beautiful and impactful, and a gift of the energies of the divine. This is just another example of how many of you are being of service just being you and don’t even realize the difference you are making. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


每當每天有一條消息回到我的意識中時,我就知道它想再次被分享。一位朋友給我發了一張來自我的書 Healing Balm for the Enlightening Soul 中這條消息的屏幕截圖,她收到了她今天早上提出的問題的答案。我明白為什麼它與我們現在所處的位置有關,所以它是……

Whenever a daily message comes back into my awareness I know it wants to be shared again. A friend sent me a screen shot of this message from my book Healing Balm for the Enlightening Soul that she received as the answer to a question she asked this morning. I can see why it is pertinent to where we are right now, so here it is…


Many enlightening human beings have questions about what to do with their loved ones who aren’t on the same path as they are. Our answer? Simply love them and know that they are exactly where they need to be on their own path.


Each and every person has their own unique soul agenda and their own team of helpers to assist them on their way. Do not make your loved ones wrong for having different beliefs than yours.


By taking a higher viewpoint and practicing acceptance and allowing, you take on the role of guide on earth and can love them unconditionally while honouring their free will. You will see them as being the divinely perfect beings they truly are, which will support them in their own empowerment process. That is the way of the enlightening human being who is practicing mindfulness and celebrating the sacredness of every soul’s journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


