2022年1月7日 星期五


自由是什麼,靈魂擴展是什麼,快樂的自我表達對你來說是什麼?一個更好的問可能是他們對你的感覺,因為這些是 2022 年及以後的一些核心特徵。你不需要知道確切的細節,你只需要敞開心扉去發現讓你的靈魂歌唱的最真實的匹配。

What does freedom, what does soul expansion, what does joyful self expression look like to you? An even better question might be what do they feel like to you, because these are some of the core traits of 2022 and beyond. You don’t need to know the exact details you just have to be open to the discovery of your truest matches that make your soul sing.

這就是你如何充分發揮潛力並敞開心扉接受它為你保存的禮物。宇宙一直在興奮地等著看你打開那些禮物!當你步入新的一年的能量時,如果你只是致力於讓你的生活變得像它想要的那樣大而美麗,你將為最奇妙的新體驗和全新的成就做好準備. 你完全支持你進入你最充分、不斷展開、光榮的自我表達,所以擁抱你到達的地方的奇蹟,以及現在對你來說可能的所有升級。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

That is how you allow the full potential of unfoldment and open to receive the gifts it holds for you. The universe has been excitedly waiting to watch you open those presents! As you step up into the energies of the new year, if you simply commit to allowing your life to get as big and beautiful as it wants to be, you will be setting yourself up for the most marvellous new experiences and brand new levels of attainment. You are fully supported in stepping into your fullest, ever-unfolding, glorious expression of self, so embrace the wonder of where you have arrived and all the up-levelling that is now possible for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


