2019年3月4日 星期一



Every time you seek to separate yourself it is an indication of a part of you that is wounded and feeling vulnerable. The more you can love, nurture, and encourage that part of you that seeks to separate itself, the more you will create the safe conditions for healing and integration to occur. This will ultimately result in empowering yourself to have the courage and confidence to step forward into the discovery of your greatest life expression. Your self love and awareness is truly all you need to guide yourself back to wholeness and into the endless potentials that then become possible from that healed space. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, change is a beautiful combination of intention and consistency. Are your actions matching your new desires more than your old habits and patterns?


You don’t need to be in perfect compliance to create change. Small consistent efforts add up very quickly. Please know there is profound power in putting action into your intentions, for it anchors what you want more of and directs your flow.


What action can you take, right now, to support your greatest dreams and highest life expression? Your dreams are your desires in energetic form. Action is your physically manifested declaration of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

