2018年6月27日 星期三



Emotional healing is at the forefront of your evolution as you continue to move forward in your transformation process. Many of you are becoming more and more aware of the importance of honouring your feelings, particularly those that have not been addressed that are connected to core wounds that are seeking healing.


The first thing that must be done in order to start that healing process is to create a safe space for yourself to do so. This means stepping in as your own loving parent, best friend, and wise guide. It means not only must you move into appropriate and healthy boundaries by surrounding yourself with safe people who support your health and wellness, but also that you must immediately stop your self abuse (verbal and otherwise), self judgment, and any choices that lead to further wounding.

我們敦促你為自己創造一個治癒的空間 - 如果你願意的話,這是一個滋養的巢穴,它可以讓你在不害怕被別人或你自己虐待的情況下進行治療。這意味著要關閉你的消極言論,並用愛,接受和鼓勵取而代之。這意味著承諾給自己永遠給自己同樣的關愛,你給別人。這意味著以一種全新的方式與自己坐在一起,這將允許你渴望愛與關注的人有勇氣挺身而出並表達自己的需求,並且感到足夠安全,不僅能治愈,還能融入你內在的整體性。

We urge you to create a healing space within yourself, for yourself – a nest of nurturing, if you will, that will allow the healing to occur without the fear of being abused by another or by yourself. This means shutting off your negative self talk and replacing it with love, acceptance, and encouragement. It means committing to yourself to always give yourself the same loving care you give others. It means sitting with yourself in a whole new way which will allow the parts of you that have been yearning for your love and attention to have the courage to come forward and state their needs, and feel safe enough to not only heal but to integrate into wholeness within you.


If you could imagine the safest, most wonderful, comfortable space for healing to occur, what would it look like? If you could imagine the safest guidance and love from yourself, what would that look like, both for today and for moving forward? Creating safe attachment and wholeness within yourself is the key to moving forward, without fear, into comfortable connection and thriving in your highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


