2018年6月17日 星期日



What if you considered your life expression a Grand Unfoldment? How would that shift how you perceive it? Would that help you embrace growth and experience? Would that allow you to accept your glorious beingness? Because that is exactly what it is, opening and expanding like the most beautiful flower in bloom. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Many of you seek perfect relationships and wish to move into unconditional love. Our question is, if your partner is perfect how will you ever know your love is unconditional? The true beauty of unconditional love is the acceptance and safety it creates which supports everyone in their unique expression of self exactly as they are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Self love is not an act of exclusion. It is an act of inclusion. It is finally treating yourself with the same love, care, and consideration you have been so mindfully giving everyone else. It is simply shifting into fairness and balance, which serves the wellness of everyone involved. If you have been feeling like there is a missing piece you must find in order to move into wholeness, it is entirely likely that what you have been looking for all along is your own love and attention. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

