2018年6月26日 星期二


親愛的,有許多不同的啟蒙途徑,但最終他們都把你帶到同一個地方 - 承認並照

Dear Ones, there are many different paths to enlightenment but ultimately they all bring you to the same place – acknowledging and shining the love that you are. How you get to that state of acceptance is entirely up to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


When you are trying hard to be positive, you are not quite there. The fact that you are trying and forcing indicates you are not able to access the space you desire, that you are seeing it as outside of yourself. You move into alignment not by forcing, but by flowing.


So rather than trying, we suggest finding things you easily accept. Look around for what you are grateful for. Spend time in activities you love. Surrender into the experience of happiness and see where the flow takes you. Meditate. Watch a show that makes you laugh. Connect with friends who lift your spirits. Go outside and pay attention to the beauty that abounds in nature.


It is the choosing of activities that make it easy for you to simply be in a space of open acceptance that shifts you into a space of more comfort and appreciation which then naturally creates the experience of positivity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

