2016年6月24日 星期五


對了~ 大天使加百利

Loving yourself is simply a matter of inclusion. It is deciding to take yourself into consideration along with everyone else. Isn ' t it time you invited yourself to your own party? ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wm2a.html

你是否體驗過最非凡的日子,一切都非常輕鬆地自行到位?在這樣的日子你會找到流動,敞開心接納它所提供的支持和運動。那些天並不是千載難逢的,親愛的。你可以駕馭能量波並利用流動的支持,在每一天,如果你這麼選擇,通過意圖臣服於你最高的良善,伴隨著信念和信任。一旦你開始這麼做,我們說它會很快成為你的首選航行日常生活的方式。你準備好給予輕盈一個機會了嗎?~ 大天使加百利

Have you ever had the most marvellous day, where everything fell into place with incredible ease? Days such as that are days where you have found the flow and are open-heartedly accepting the support and movement it offers. Those days do not have to be once in a blue moon, Dear Ones. You can ride the energetic wave and harness the support of the flow every day if you choose, by intending to surrender into your highest good with faith and trust. Once you start doing so, we would say it will very quickly become your preferred method for navigating your day to day life. Are you ready to give ease a chance? ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wm4l.html

