2016年6月17日 星期五



We love that with your awareness, many of you are starting to ask yourself during times of energetic intensity, “Is this mine?” “Who does this belong to?” “Is this from the collective?” All wonderful questions! But we would like to add another factor that can be helpful to ask about. It is, “Is this from this lifetime?” and “Does this apply to this lifetime?”


You see, many of you are having deep layers of beliefs dislodged for release right now. For many of you, it is the last vestiges of old wounds that happened in different lifetimes. As this life expression is about stepping into your authentic power and embracing yourselves as the spiritual beings and creators you are, many old fears around those topics are coming up for clearing. It is important to know that they have not one thing to do with the incarnation you are currently experiencing.

詢問,“我的感受適用於此生嗎?”會是難以置信地撫慰。這讓你伴隨著慰藉釋放,在更輕盈和真實的方式中進展。這幫助你進一步地定義你的真理,在新的,授權的方式中創造。~ 大天使加百利

Asking, “Does what I’m feeling apply to this lifetime?” can be incredibly freeing. It allows you to release with relief if it does not, and proceed in a far lighter and authentic way. It helps you to further identify your truth in the Now moment and create in fresh new and empowered ways. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wlpm.html

