2014年2月11日 星期二


摯愛的人們:   Beloved Ones,


Many ofyou are feeling a detached state of being as you assimilatethe omniversal energies that have been coming in waves upon yourplanet in ever increasing spirals of rainbow light. This detachmentyou are feeling is part of the process of a deeper introspection asyou connect to a level of your being that has not been available toyou before and utilize your multi-dimensional skills. You arefinding yourselves working on many levels simultaneously and thisis creating some interesting possibilities and probabilities whichyou are exploring with appropriate observations and learning. It isbecoming easy to create a story with just one thought that startswith the sight of a single object and before you know it, a wholestory emerges, complete with feelings and emotions.


Itis becoming clear that each scenario can have many differentoutcomes depending upon the focus you wish to explore and thereforethe need for self discipline and responsibility with yourrediscovered powers of creation. The need for clarity in theknowing of your inner desires becomes uppermost in priority duringthese times as you realize that your thoughts can produce what youthink upon. It behooves each individual to become the master oftheir thinking processes and to know when to observe what is beingformulated and just let it go because that is not what you reallywant to experience in your life - for as you develop a greatervibrational frequency, the more the manifestation of your thoughtspeeds into your daily reality.


Practice sending a ray of love from your heart chakra toeveryone you meet or are about to meet. This universal practicewill begin to prepare your relationships with others to operate ata higher level of sincere and peaceful interaction. The sending ofthe love ray before each encounter will create a field of openhearted communication based on honesty and trust. This one simpleact, when practiced and refined, will open doors that were closedfor many ages and the art of meaningful communication between allindividuals will come to the forefront. This ability is muchrequired to be developed amongst the human race and as it grows andexpands, humanity will have the tools necessary for interactionwith all beings, including those off planet when that timeapproaches.


Itcontinues to be most important to feed your thoughts with only thatwhich is of the highest integrity and intent so that in thatprocess, you enhance the quality of your life experiences. As youdecree a higher outcome for yourselves and your loved ones in yourdaily lives, you are also uplifting the lives of those in yoursphere of influence and as you practice diligently, your life takeson a golden glow of wonder, magic and sweet synchronicity. Theformer reign of the lower ego becomes an integrated acceptance ofall facets of one's being and wholeness within is the experience ona regular basis.


Theinner work continues as you refine and tweak those areas of yourhuman expression and personality that are ready to move intointegration with the higher aspects of your being. As this takesplace, you regain more of your own innate divinity and greatnessand this power is felt by those around you as warmth of heart andmajesty of true nobility. The inner becomes noticeable andappreciated as the true self emerges to make its divine presencefelt.

Until next week…   I AM Hilarion

1 則留言:

  1. 3Q. 每當讀取...
    小我. 大我(高我. 指導靈)
