2014年2月21日 星期五



The message we bring at this time is one of hope.So many of you are frustrated and struggle with issues of dailyliving. It is imperative that you understand dear ones, that thesedifficulties represent graduations and not failures.


Certain energies accumulated from lifetime tolifetime are stored within the cellular memory of your physicalbodies and also within the emotional and mental bodies.


Every individual stores and carries until cleared,their personal energies of inheritance, vows, promises, and allpowerful life experiences (some good and some very bad) along witha cellular remembrance of the individuals involved in theseexperiences.


You are now spiritually strong enough to releaseany energies that serve only to hold you in what is old andfinished and this also includes the resolution of any karmicsituations needing to be finished.


These energies were stored and carried throughlifetimes because you were not yet evolved enough to acknowledgeand resolve them in ways that would enable you to clearthem.


There are layers to those pockets of energy thatresulted from intense life experiences (physical, emotional, ormental) which have been held deep within because you chose not tore-live or even think about some of these experiencesagain.


It often happens that the serious student believesthat through his hard inner work an issue has been dealt with andfinished.


This is usually something that has plagued himthroughout his lifetime; a particular person, or fear, oraddiction, or emotional reaction--and then, low and behold there itis again saying; "Hello, I'm back".


Never believe that this indicates failure or thatthe work was not done correctly, for the reappearance of an issueneeding to be cleared simply means that you have now reached adeeper level of it.


When this happens, re-examine any concepts thatyou may of been previously unaware of and again move into truth. Aseach new layer presents itself, it will open you to new levelsawareness regarding your own state of consciousness.


Ask; "What am I believing that is making me feelthis way?" Try not to give power for good or bad to any issues,people, or experiences you may be struggling with for these thingshave only the power you give them which is why they were storedwithin you in the first place.


The old and finished three dimensional energies ofduality and separation can not be carried with you into the higherfrequencies of Light and will act as blocks untilremoved.


For this particular lifetime because of importanceof the shift going on, evolved souls incarnated bringing a completelist of any issues they needed to clear.


Many chose pre-birth, to be born into familysituations that would activate whatever was needing to be movedbeyond. Example; Many raised in abusive family situations,specifically chose these families (pre-birth) in order to activatea long held consciousness of low self esteem .


This way they could once and for all release thisconcept of self and grow the realization of who and what theyreally are.


Frequently also, there is a karmic situation thatneeds to be completed. With regard to karmic relationships--if youfind yourself in a situation where you recognize that an everpresent discord must be karmic but the other individual is notinterested in any resolution, you can release and complete ityourself.


Recognize the person's Divine Nature even if theyare not the lease bit interested themselves.


Remove energetic cords still attaching you to thatperson through your intent and visualization.


Send them Light and Love whenever you think ofthem.


Do NOT engage...this will perpetuate that whichyou are trying to clear.


In earlier lifetimes, souls incarnated with ashort list, choosing perhaps one issue to deal with and movebeyond. Often the struggles of simply staying alive prevented anyprogress and a goal may of been in place for severallifetimes.


Because of the powerful energy shift now takingplace on earth, incarnating souls realized that they would need toaddress any issues holding them in frequencies that were old andfinished and this is why so many seem to be having very difficultlife experiences.


You are evolved enough to do what you came to door you would not have chosen to do it. Never believe that you are afailure even if third dimensional concepts say you are.


No indeed, pat yourselves on the back dear ones,for you are powerful and evolved Beings of Light now able to seethrough appearances and hold to the truth while doing what you needto do.


Never forget, all lessons were pre-planned by youas you realized what was needed in your experience in order to growand evolve.


Arcturian Group now wishes to speak to abundance.Abundance is an issue that confuses many as you suffer from theappearances of lack and limitation.


Within Oneness exists all that is...all thequalities of a Divine omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscientSource are within you also.


This is the point of this journey all have been onthrough hundreds of lifetimes...to finally evolve into a state ofconsciousness that realizes this truth.


Source knows nothing of lack or limitation, IT isSelf sustained and Self maintained...infinitely. The idea of​​ lackis a concept born of the belief in duality (pairs of opposites) andseparation.


Everything embodied within Divine consciousness isheld in place by Divine law. If lack or limitation were withinDivine consciousness, they would be foreverunchangeable.


Realizing this is the first step to changing theouter appearances. Each time you pay a bill, take a second torealize that since Source is complete and lacks nothing, this checkor money simply represents a material manifestation ofthis.


When you believe abundance to be limited andpersonal so that everything spent depletes you, you are declaringmoney to be yours--finite, and limited (duality and separation).Realize that abundance is flowing through you, not fromyou.


This may seem silly as you look at your emptywallet, but the practice of these truths is the only way to moveinto a deeper understanding of the infinite abundance which isalready yours by virtue of your Oneness with Source.


Start the flow moving...give away unused clothesor items, donate time, drop a coin in the bottle even if it apenny...get the flow of love (service or goods) and gratitude(payment) moving.


Always there must be the flow. You are creatorsdear ones and you are creating with every thought and word (eg. Idon't have...) that flows out from your state ofconsciousness.


Just as the journey is about learning Oneness, itis also about learning just what is embodied within thatOneness.


Start applying truth to every financialtransaction you make, blessing each payment by knowing that itflows from an Infinite and unlimited Source.


Take whatever human footsteps may be necessary inyour particular situation, but let your first step always be aremembrance of the truth of your Infinite Source.


Choose not to wholeheartedly embrace the constantbarrage of three dimensional news about lack andlimitation.


You are at a turning point, one in which you mustdecide who your master is to be and whom you will serve--truth orthe three dimensional concepts being presented to you from allsides by an un-awakened world?


Be very honest with yourselves dear ones, for youare now at a point of either moving forward, or staying in theold.


The choice is as always, yours.

我們是大角星團體 We are the Arcturian Group


【翻譯】shan-athana http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bfe09e210101jn9j.html

