2019年8月13日 星期二



What is the most gentle and loving thing you can do for yourself today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, you are in charge of your energetics. The idea that any energy is stronger than you is simply not true. You are sovereign beings, and as such, are completely free to emanate your truth, light, and beingness without any sort of interference.


Not only are you more than capable of being in charge of your own energetics, you are also fully capable of being the bringer of energy, rather than the catcher of energy, in any situation.

這是踏入真正力量的一部分 - 認識並擁抱這樣一個事實:明亮地照亮自己獨特而美麗的振動光是安全的。事實上,這正是你在地球上,在身體裡要做的事情。我們鼓勵您發布任何舊的基於恐懼的故事。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

This is all part of stepping into your authentic power – recognizing and embracing the fact that it is safe to brightly shine your own unique and beautiful vibrational light. In fact, that is exactly what you are on the planet, in the body, to do. We encourage you to release any old fear based stories that have suggested otherwise. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

