2019年7月8日 星期一



We are the ascended Christ Collective. We offer beams of hope to humanity in this most sacred hour of the change of all changes. For great change is coming, and we see this with the eyes of Source that see the all most clearly. We see you all most clearly. We see your morphing forms of light. We see your struggles to understand the lessons learned through the darkest of times and we see the Christed light weaving light all around you, through you and those challenging experiences into a tapestry of the most beautiful of lights. We see all things most clearly. For we are you, your ascended you in the higher realms of the time of no time, of the space in between spaces, where all is possible and yet all is not yet. For the Christed flame burns in the heart of every sun, in the heartbeat of the universes.

基督之光明亮地照射著地球,親愛的蓋亞,她犧牲了太多。她重生的時刻臨近了,就在這裡,在你之內。基督火焰明亮地燃燒,啟發聆聽我們話語的靈魂。你已經沒什麼時間去做準備工作了。所以我們敦促你伴隨著偉大的愛、緊迫感和關懷準備好你的心。準備好。準備好成為完美之愛的容器,與內在明亮燃燒的基督火焰對齊並滋養牠。在這個蛻變的時刻,在這個從黑暗到光明的偉大轉換時刻滋養自己--- 一切都在成為、變成更多的光。一切都在你的周圍蛻變,你腳下的大地正在顫抖。篇章結束的時刻就在眼前,伴隨著我們揚升中的地面人員所做的非凡工作,許多炙熱的時間線早已被通過,備受祝福,但已經通過。你處於最快、最純淨、最完美的時間線,因為你們作為一個集體已經發話。夠了就是夠了。那些並不從屬於最純淨道路和心的人,那些選擇與黑暗調情或者沉浸於黑暗中、沉浸於另一個矩陣中的人,已被移除、空運、運輸、從這個蛻變的光之領域中溶解。新星蓋亞等待著那些擁有勇敢的純淨之心的人,那些敞開雙手去服務和睜開雙眼去看、豎起耳朵去聆聽的人。在風中有著笑聲,因為精靈們在和孩子們玩耍。你能聽到嗎?新星蓋亞的呼喚在基督存有的心中響亮清澈地響起。聆聽呼喚。

The Christed light beams brightly now on your earth, on dearest Gaia, who has sacrificed so much for so many.Her time of rebirth is nigh, is here, is within you.The Christed flame burns brightly, enlightened souls hearing our words. You have little of your time left to prepare. And so we urge you to prepare your hearts with great love, with great urgency and care. Prepare. Prepare to be the vessel of perfect love, to align with the Christed flame that burns brightly within and to nurture it. Nurture yourselves in this time of the changing metamorphosis, of this time of the greatest changeover from the darkness into the lightness of the all that is to come, is to be, is to become yet more light. For all is morphing all around you, the very earth trembles under your feet. The time of the end of chapters is at hand, and yet, with the marvelous work of our ascending grounded ones, many torrid timelines have been long passed by, blessed, but passed over. You are on the fastest, most pure, most perfect timeline, for you have spoken as a collective. Enough is enough. Those that are not of the purest of ways, of hearts, those who have chosen more experience of flirtation with the darkness or of becoming enmeshed within it, within another matrix are being removed, moved, air-lifted, transported, dissolved away from this realm of morphing light. Nova Gaia awaits those with brave pure hearts, those with open hands to serve and eyes to see, ears to hear.There is laughter on the wind for the fairies are playing with the children there. Can you hear them?The call of Nova Gaia rings loud and true in the hearts of the Christed ones. Listen to the call.

我們是基督意識,我們來自沒有時間,沒有空間的地方,因為我們無法被容納。我們就是你。現在,成為他人的光和基督火焰。把這個愛與光射到你隱藏的痛苦和記憶的黑暗深處(還未被你基督的部分祝福的)。成為基督火焰。成為活生生的基督體現,成為形態中的更高自我。就這麼簡單,但,一個人必須在其中放輕鬆。你必須允許這個過程。它無法被迫使。它必須用心感受,用源頭的眼睛看待,用孩童般的純真理解。相信。感受。看到。寬恕。處於喜悅。成為基督,因為它無處不在。耶穌,非凡的耶穌,如此璀璨的光--- 多麼驚人的一個喜悅榜樣。但,也有著其他人,因為他們在覺醒至他們自己輝煌的光。這是一件謙卑的事情。壯麗和愛,交織在一起,處於統一、完美的和諧、喜悅、光、祝福的舞蹈中。輻射這些東西的孩子們,當他們處於平和,他們會輻射出快樂的孩童般純真的純粹喜悅,那就是基督。成為它。向孩子們學習。跟隨你的心。重新學習玩耍的藝術並處於喜悅。

We are the Christed consciousness, we are of no time, of no space, for we cannot be contained.We are, as are you. And now, be the light, be the Christed flame to the others. Blast this light and love to the dark recesses of your hidden pains and memories that have yet to be blessed by the Christed part of you. Be the Christed flame. Be the living embodiment of the Christ, become your higher self in form. It is such a simple thing, and yet, one must relax into it. You must allow this process. It cannot be forced. It must be felt with the heart, seen with the eyes of Source and understood with the childlike innocence of those who believe. Believe. Feel. See. Forgive. Be in joy. Be the Christ for it is all around you. Yeshi, marvelous Yeshi, such a light –what a tremendous example of joy. And yet, there are many others, there have been and there will be for they are waking up into the light of their own magnificence. It is a humble thing. Magnificence and love, intertwined, in unity, in perfect dance of harmony, of joy, of light, of bliss. Children radiate this, when they are at peace, they radiate the playful childlike innocence of pure joy that is the Christ. Be this. Learn from the children.Follow your heart. Re-learn the art of play and be in joy.

我們是揚升的基督集體。我們看到了你,我們愛你,我們鼓勵你,在你朝向內在啟蒙的旅程中,隨著你把這個痛苦的象限轉變成愉悅、愛、喜悅的象限--- 一個喘息、一個綠洲、一個聖所。記住,外在反射內在。所以,容我們有愛地建議你邀請內在的基督能量,然後它會被反射到外在,你會用光的磚頭鋪設你自己的金光大道,隨著你行走通往新星蓋亞的狹窄的充滿光的道路。對此,我們說歡迎回家。我們在另一邊等待著你。邀請你之內我們的火花,處於平和。因為道路很長,但你就要到達。看到了嗎?它在你之內閃耀,明亮且真實。成為基督。我們是揚升的基督集體。處於平和。處於喜悅。

We are the ascended Christ Collective.We see you, we love you, we encourage you on your journey towards internal enlightenment as you transform this quadrant of pain into pleasure, love, joy –a respite, an oasis, a sanctuary. Remember the inner must proceed the outer.And so, may we lovingly suggest you invite these energies of the Christ within you, and then it will be reflected in your outer sphere, and you will be paving your own golden roadway with bricks of light as you walk the narrow light-filled path to Nova Gaia. To this we say welcome home. We are waiting for you on the other side. Invite our sparks within you and be at peace. For the road is long, but you are almost there. See? It is shining within you, bright and true. Be the Christ. We are the ascended Christ Collective. Be at peace and be in joy.

原文: https://sananda.website/ascended-christ-collective-via-galaxygirl-june-25-2019/
通靈: Galaxygirl    翻譯: Nick Chan

