2019年7月18日 星期四



Compassion is seeing through the lens of love and understanding. It is what allows you to approach those who are having a difficult time with a soft, soothing energy that doesn’t get triggered or judge. In times of intensity, compassion is what holds the space until a greater sense of balance can be found. It is a wonderful approach not only for others, but for yourselves as well, as you move through unprecedented energies during these times of transformation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



You are in a process of beautiful unfoldment. You are shifting profoundly and then discovering what is possible due to your new energetic states. You are releasing, receiving, and integrating, spiralling upwards into higher vibrational states in the most wondrous ways. By instinctively moving with it all you are experiencing yourself as part of the divine flow. What a glorious experience for you to have and for us to see! Savour and explore all of it, Dear Ones, for it is a sacred, profound, and beautiful expression of your soul’s greatest desire and highest purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

