2019年5月13日 星期一



The beautiful thing about non-resistance is that you are poised and ready to ride waves of movement when they arrive. This allows you to be swept into your next great adventures with support and ease, as well as your next service opportunities. It’s a wonderful system that meets the needs of everyone involved, and all you have to do is be willing to be moved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, every single time you choose love you choose to shine and to lead from a place that is in alignment with your truth. It is an act of service, as well as an act of self definition. That is what your relationships are, choosing love and then if for whatever reason you knock yourself out of love, choosing to love again. It is such a delight to behold, for every single time you choose love, you send out a ripple that expands you, and the universe, just a little bit more. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

