2018年4月10日 星期二



I am Sananda and I am here today to speak a bit about the world that is coming.

你正在離開的世界,你們知道,它已經在過度。在你要進入的那個較輕的世界裡,你的形態和思想要輕得多。你的想法和感覺,它們可能會很快地得到到顯化,所以你首先要做的就是控制你的思想和情感。思想和情感——它們以一種微妙的方式相互影響。現在可以很好地去訓練 - 以積極的方式訓練你的思想和情感。把懷疑和絕望試著轉變成積極的東西。思想的力量是巨大的,會有可能影響它,它反過來會影響你的感覺,你立刻就會感受到一種信任的希望,你的情緒也會隨之改變。你們都能意識到這一點。可能另外一個人會讓你心情好轉,他的能量就影響了你,讓你覺得更有希望變得積極。當然,這種情況也可以反過來。別人消極的能量會影響你自己樂觀的情緒,這樣你就會萎靡,你會突然感到心神不寧。現在重要的是你要為自己的想法和感覺負責。如果你控制了你的思想和情感,沒有人和任何東西能影響你,就像你是你自己家的一家之主。生命就會是這樣,不管怎樣你都會是自己生活中的勝利者。你可以為你設想最好的結果,它將會到來,因為你是你自己家的一家之主。當你有了美好生活的時候,你可以為你的朋友、你的城鎮、你的國家去設想,是的,無論你想要什麼,它都可以變成所想的那樣。如果他們和你的層次不一樣,這可能會變得困難,但沒有什麼是不可能的,你會以積極的方式影響他人。每個人都想讓自己和家人過上更好的生活,對他的人民和國家也是一樣。之後,會很快影響其他國家和人民。它變成了多米諾骨牌效應,無處不在,但它總是要從你自己開始。這是你自己的意識,你要有控制你的想法和情感的能力,首先是在微觀上,然後才是在宏觀上。

 The world that you are leaving you know well, it has lived out itself onecould say. The lighter world you are on your way into is much lighter in form and mind. What you think and feel you manifest. It might progress fast from thought to manifestation so the first thing you need to do is to control your thoughts and feelings. They belong together thought and feeling – they impact each other in a subtle way. This can be good to train now – to train using your thoughts and feelings in a positive way. If doubt and despair enters try to turn it into something positive. The power of thought is great and it is possible to influence it. It in turn influences your feelings and right away you feel a hope of trust and your mood changes. You can all recognize this. It might be that somebody else got you into a good mood again, who's energy has influenced you to feel more hopeful and positive . This can of course also work the other way around. Somebody else's negative energy can impact your own optimism so that it wilts and you suddenly feel uneasy. It is now important that you take responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings. If you are in control of your thoughts and feelings nobody and nothing can influence you as you are the head of your own house. It is then that life can be as it is. Regardless you are the victor in your own life. You can then envision the best for you and it will come , as you are the master in your own house. When you feel well in your life you can envision for your friends, your town, your country, yes, whatever you want and it can become that way. It might get harder the more people are involved if they are not at the same level as yourself, but nothing is impossible and you influence others in a positive way. Everybody wants a better life for themselves and their family, yes also for their people and country. After that the step is not far to other people and countries. It becomes a domino effect and it happens everywhere, but it always starts with yourself. It is your consciousness, your ability to control your thoughts and feelings that gives results, first in the micro and then in the macro.


See life with love and let love build up a strong home inside you. It is love that always is the answer to all that you undertake in your life. It is love that makes your thoughts positive – you see the possibilities rather than the problems. Love ties it all together. It ties you together to one unit – a unit that exists both within and outside of you. Love brings forth the beautiful, true and honest in you – it is the most valuable you have. Take care of your love inside of you and you will become richly rewarded, as love is life, the beautiful limitless life that gives everything and has all that you ever have dreamed about. It is also your treasure, your holy grail. It has always existed and will always exist within you. This is the reason you always hear that you should seek within yourselves. Everything you need you can find within. You yourselves are what you are looking for. You are valuable pearls in the sky – the pearls that God sent down to act on Earth. Have trust i n yourselves dear brothers and sisters. You have all you need – the tools are there already for you to use. Use them with love and you have your new home in love.


I spread rose petals of love on the path I now walk together with you.

薩南達   Sananda


