2015年7月27日 星期一



When was the last time you just moved your body,allowing it to sway and twirl in whatever ways felt good toyou? Having a body is oneof the greatest delights of being a human being because it allowsyou to experience in so many ways. Savour it, appreciate it, honourit, let it lead the way!


Your children arevery adept at this. They spin and twirl instinctively adjustingtheir energy as they do. They lie on the floor to groundthemselves. They dance and jump, bend and stretch, intuitivelyknowing exactly what they need, and finding great enjoyment whilethey do it. This is another example of how you could learn so muchfrom your children!


Take your body out toplay every once in a while! If you just take a moment to stand inthe middle of the room and allow it to move however it wishes to,you would be surprised at how much energy clearing you can do withthis simplest of methods . Try it! You just might be amazed at howjoyful you feel afterwards. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vrtj.html

