2015年7月27日 星期一

大天使烏列爾20150722 要有耐心但不要耐心


The idea that everything takes time isaccompanied by the belief that you have no control over anymanifestation process and that patience is required in allthings. It is true thatsome things take time, as energy must flow through density in themanifestation process. But patience is not a matter of waitinguntil you receive a result, it is a process of alignment,acceptance, and expansion that is guided by your intention.You must have patience to allow density to becomematter, but the belief that you must 'be patient' reduces the powerof your intention and your ability to manage the energyflows.


When you havepatience you acknowledge that the fulfillment of your intentionwill take form in the highest possible way. That may require some'time' as the highest outcomes align energetically to manifest foryou. But when you say that you are 'being patient', you assume alevel of powerlessness and lack of control that you use to believethat you are not worthy of receiving that which you have asked for,when you need it. Need does not control energy flow, intentiondoes. Need is based on fear and that is a lower frequency . You cannever be in 'need', which is an aspect of limitation.


Manifestation is thetransformation of energy into matter, the becoming of energy intothe form created by and through your intention. This is how you useyour creative power and abilities, part of your divine blueprintand life purpose, and it does not depend on time. Rather, it is amatter of energetic and universal timing andenergetic frequency and vibration. You hold the vibration requiredfro the highest possible outcome when you have patience andunderstand that you are creating a higher potential for yourselfwith each outcome. You also create a higher frequency when you stayfocused on your intention and the purpose or outcome you areintending. Patience is then a matter of holding energy until theoutcome appears.


This can take alittle time or a lot of time, which depends on your levels of fear.When you are in fear you slow down the process and the greater yourneed and desire for an immediate outcome, the more you delay theprocess. That is not because the Universe is punishing you, it isbecause your fear is reducing the energetic vibration of yourintention, 'putting on the brakes', so to speak, and not allowingthe highest outcomes to manifest.


You are a co-creatorof every reality on the earth, including your own, those you sharewith the collective of humanity, and the earth. Use your creativepower to share your highest frequencies by having patience with theprocess as you guide the energy towards its most perfect outcome.But don't 'be patient' and believe that you are waiting for anotherpower to give you permission to create. Use patience to manage theenergy flow and movement to its most powerful creation.


As a spark of divinelight, an emanation of Creator, you serve Creator and humanity as acontainer for light. And you are the most energetically powerfulcontainer when you create from your highest frequencies and guidethe light to its most powerful outcomes by staying within yourintention, using your energetic consent to align with the highestfrequencies and vibrations, and creating from your desire for thepeace, joy, love, and abundance that you want to have and to be inevery reality.


通靈:Jennifer Hoffman   翻譯:Nick Chan

