2014年5月31日 星期六

索爾20140528 離開這個筋疲力盡和不斷重複的循環的方式就是放下你所有的防禦


The all inclusive and integrated oneness of God andall that He creates is becoming impossible for humanity to remainunaware of. Modern physics has made it abundantly clear thateverything is connected to everything else! There is no separation;separation is an illusion that you have believed in and which hasbrought you much pain, but it is unreal. Because you believed in ityou were fearful and felt the need to protect yourselves againstothers by building defenses – sarcasm, wit, humor, dismissal,judgment, and attack. Protection, defense, and attack are allreactions to your fear, the state that your apparent separationencourages you to believe in, but to engage with them is to inflictpain on yourself!


Everything you think, say, or do affects the whole ofcreation even though this is not apparent to you while you remainin your state of very limited consciousness. However, Reality,Heaven, Oneness with your Source can never be damaged or evenoffended because It is the supreme sovereign state of infiniteLove, complete in and of Itself, containing and embracing all, andin opposition to nothing because there is nothing apart fromIt.


Any unloving – ie insane – activities in which youengage with in the illusion have severe and painful effects thatcan be extensive, but they are illusory like the environment inwhich they take place. Therefore if you choose to defend yourselfor attack another the effects of those thoughts, words, or actionsreverberate widely and painfully throughout your environment,increasing the sense of fear and insecurity that drives you intoaction in the first place.


The way out of this exhausting and repetitious cycleis to let go of all your defenses, and engage in every situationwith love, your true and eternal nature. Nothing else works, whichis why world peace has still to be established. However, becausemore and more of you are opening to the Love that is safely,eternally, and ineradicably established within each of you, andbecause you are choosing to respond lovingly instead of defensivelywhatever the situation you may be facing, the world is movinginexorably towards lasting peace. Deep within yourselves you doknow this, so rejoice that the divine plan is unfolding aspromised.


Signs of its unfoldment are to be seen all over theworld as people refuse to be cowed any longer by the illegal,illegitimate, and in fact criminal suppression of their humanrights that your so-called elected representatives in positions ofauthority have been imposing on you through the illicit laws thatthey have put on the statute books. Equally criminal is the use ofcivil or military “security” forces to make sure that these lawsare obeyed. The immoral foundation on which the self-serving andillegitimate authoritarian positions that your electedrepresentatives continue to cling to as upholders of “just” laws iscollapsing beneath them, as their deceit and corruption continuesto be unveiled by courageous whistle-blowers everywhere.


Refreshing changes are occurring all across the worlddespite the efforts of those in power – who “claim” to be workingfor your good and the good of humanity – to prevent them. So,celebrate! The old crushing and authoritarian regimes areeffectively on their knees, as the extent of their self-serving andcorrupt agendas becomes common knowledge, and as those who used tosupport them in their criminal and deceitful endeavors withdrawthat essential support. Without cooperation and support no humanendeavors can succeed. While accepting their apologies for the“sins” that they have committed, and to which they have admitted –for God is infinitely loving and forgiving, and so must you be,being inseparable parts of Him – do not re-elect them!


Personal self-aggrandizement and self-protection arethe egoicnatures to which theyare clinging in desperation, because to face the truth of theirself-centered ego-driven agendas, as so clearly demonstrated bytheir actions and intentions, is far too painful for them to eventhink of just yet. Their nature is Love, because all of creation iscreated from Love, and to acknowledge their shameful errors wouldbring them painfully face to face with their unconscionable andutterly unacceptable behaviors.


As a direct result of the whistle-blowers revelationsthey claim that they have, as a consequence of these incredibleinsights, mended their ways, and can now therefore be trusted touse their skills and abilities to work for you and with you – whichis why you elected them in the first place. However, do not befooled by the clever and inspired rhetoric with which they attemptto convince you that they have now truly understood the errors theyhave made, and for which they beg your forgiveness as they claim tobe moving forwards to correct them.


They will do everything in their power to maintainthe influence and control that they have enjoyed as authorityfigures over the eons and through many earth lives, regardless ofthe consequences for humanity as a whole. They have an intense needto hide from and disown the now revealed unconscionable behaviorsin which they have engaged in this and numerous previous lives,behaviors which have now been most clearly revealed as shameful andeven unforgivable, as their karmic debts are called in for paymentin full in this lifetime.


They are, of course, just like all you Light bearersand wayshowers, beloved children of God. What seems to havehappened within the illusory environment that you built toexperience separation from God, from your Source, has not occurred.Consequently there is no need for forgiveness , nothing untoward hasever happened, and never could happen in the divine Reality,Heaven, that God created for your and His eternal joy. To forgivesomething that has never occurred is not possible, even though ashumans in an illusory world much that is unacceptable does seem tohave happened.


However, as humans undergoing intensely real seemingand painful experiences of betrayal and torture – psychological,emotional, or physical – it isnecessary for you to forgive thosewho have apparently harmed you. While remaining unforgiving ofthese assumed and apparent mistreatments you close yourselves offfrom the Love that your Father offers you in every moment of yourexistence, because judgment, and resentment or condemnation cannotassociate with or be in communion with Love. Love insists onunconditional acceptance of every part of creation, and there isnothing outside creation because the field of creation has noboundaries, it is limitless. By forgiving you release all withinyourselves that is unreal – anything that is not in perfect harmonyand alignment with Love – and open yourselves to the infinite anddivi​​ne field of Love by which you are eternally surrounded, leadingyou forwards to your inevitable awakening. Forgiveness is anabsolutely essential aspect of your awakening process.


To forgive is to admit to yourselves that nothinguntoward, nothing unreal has occurred, and if that is the case – asit most certainly is – there is nothing to prevent you fromawakening. At present your awakening is curtailed solely because,collectively, you are still holding on to resentment, to an intensedesire for restitution. What you need to understand is that thereis no need for restitution because nothing has happened, or couldhappen, that requires restitution.


You are all eternally One with God, the divine Sourceof all that exists, and God cannot be hurt, damaged, or offended,because there is nothing that is or ever could be in opposition toHim as He is all that exists. You are all, each and every one ofyou, essential and inseparable parts of that divine Source, sothere is nothing that could attack or damage you. Accept thistruth, open your hearts in Love, forgive all who appear to havehurt or offended you, and prepare to awaken. There truly is noother option, and why would you want one when this one promises youeternal joy?

伴隨著大量的愛,索爾   With so very much love, Saul.


通靈:John Smallman

翻譯:Nick Chan  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60101i37k.html

