2023年6月24日 星期六


當你繼續超越 3D 的進化時,你會發現你從尋求來自外部的自我滿足轉變為通過將自己表達為你的靈魂自我而獲得深刻的滿足。這將成為一種偏好和喜悅的狀態,因為這種選擇永遠不會讓你後悔或懷疑自己。這是你如何體驗最真實的自我,這是你所有的成長和擴展一直試圖引導你的地方,也是你化身的下一階段的全部內容。從那裡開始,人們的想法真的不再重要,因為作為你的真實體現,你會感到平靜和踏實。親愛的,那是你找到自由的地方,也是你的道路開始以最非凡的方式展開的地方。~大天使加百列通過雪萊·楊

As you continue to evolve beyond 3D, you will find you shift out of seeking the ego satisfaction that comes from externals into the deep satisfaction that comes from expressing yourself as your soul self. That will become a state of preference and joy, because that choice never comes with regret or second guessing yourself. It is how you experience yourself as your truest self which is where all your growth and expansion has been trying to lead you, and what the next phase of your incarnation is all about. From there it really won’t matter what people think because there is a peace and groundedness that comes from being the true embodiment of you. And that, Dear Ones, is where your freedom is found and your path begins to unfold in the most remarkable ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



This solstice is designed to assist you in making the shift from the role of initiate to actuate. The initiate stage focuses on studying and learning. It is preparation for the actuate phase, which is stepping into taking that accumulated knowledge and embodying it.


What is truly remarkable is that the initiate phase can take many lifetimes before you are ready to step into being an actuate, and this solstice is energetically supporting you in graduating into that role. Being an actuate means you are shifting from doing to being, from learning to knowing, from being guided to being a guide.


It is deeply satisfying for your soul to have arrived here, for it marks the end of the old and the beginning of the new. We congratulate you for making it to this point in your evolutionary process! We encourage you to take that vast body of knowledge you have worked so hard to acquire, fully assimilate it, and allow yourself to take the quantum leap of not just knowing it, but living it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


