2023年6月9日 星期五



Have you ever noticed how you feel good in the company of someone who is fully present with you? They are all there, not judging or assessing, simply enjoying being in the moment with you. It always makes you feel wonderful to be seen, and heard, and accepted. It feels like the energy of Home, like sacred space. Now we ask you, how would your life shift if you started to do that for yourself? How much more ease would you experience just being you? Is that what you’ve been yearning for all along? Is that all you need to allow yourself to move forward as the beautiful being you truly are? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Self presence is the space that allows you to truly thrive. In its simplicity, it is comfort and nourishment for your journey. You might think of it as a rest stop for the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

