2020年3月26日 星期四



Many of you have been playing in the same pool of energy for a very long time, thinking you are blocked by a certain issues or challenges. You always have the wonderful opportunity for expansion by releasing your attachment to engaging with those obstacles and making the empowered decision to connect with what exists beyond them. You can take yourself out of the loop, Dear Ones, by being willing to be led into the discovery what exists in the realm of potentiality that is just beyond what you can see, and now is an ideal time to do just that. It will prepare you well for when it is time to step back out into the world for it will set you up on an entirely different timeline of potential and possibility. This is the power of the global reset we’ve been speaking of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Another gift that is occurring if you are being drawn back into the energy of your homes is a reevaluation of your living environment. Many of you are getting to tasks you’ve been wanting to do for a long time, cleaning and purging, perhaps, or painting and doing renovations. This is absolutely wonderful, as your homes are an energetic extension of yourselves, and any adjustment you are making now will support you in the next phase you will be entering. The shift is occurring on all levels, all designed to give you the time and clarity to create a environment that better matches who you are and where you are going. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

