2016年9月16日 星期五



Your awareness is allowing you to fine tune your energies more and more to match who you are and what you are intending to create.Shifting into including what is wanted rather than excluding what is unwanted, practicing energetic clarity rather than self-protection, BEing rather than doing, surrendering with intention rather than efforting, are all subtle but profound shifts.


You have done the bulk of the heavy releasing and now you are in the stage of energetic refinement. Now is the time to start to play with the energies of co-creation and embodying what is desired with grace and ease, for these are the new ways that are being energetically supported and the gifts of shifting into the empowered operating system of the enlightening human being. ~Archangel Gabriel



Dear Ones, the word we think best describes the theme of the day is allow. Allow yourself to move with the energies. Allow yourself to be exactly who you are without the need to fix or deny anything, embracing your glorious divinity. Allow others to be where they are without feeling the responsibility to fix anything because they are masters in their own right. And lastly, allow yourself to be thankful for the incredible process you are such an important part of, during this time of acceleration and shifting on your planet . Just allow it all to be in all its divine perfection. ~Archangel Gabriel


