2016年9月14日 星期三


流動?當你與流動合一,一切變得更加有效,更加被支持,更加令人愉悅,因為你願意與能量移動。簡單來說,當你流動,你綻放。~ 大天使加百利

Dear Ones, do you see that when you allow yourself to shine brightly in your truth and authenticity, you are embodying the flow? When you are one with the flow everything becomes far more effortless, more supported, more joyful because you are willingly moving with the energies. To put it in a way you may find easy to remember, you bloom when you are a flow-er. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wsc5.html


Dear Ones, just as growing pains can cause some discomfort, they are a sign that you are expanding into a bigger version of yourself. The same it is with your ascension symptoms. They are temporarily uncomfortable but are a sure sign of growth and expansion.


If your body is asking for a certain food, give yourself permission to have it. If your body needs rest, rest. If your mind needs soothi​​ng, meditate or engage in activities that are gentle and enjoyable to you. Time in nature or immersing yourself in salt water can help immensely. More than anything, remember you are the expert on you.


You have chosen to be part of the ground crew on an ascending planet. You are well prepared and well supported for all of this. If you can remember that your soul considers all of this a great honour, and that these times are exactly what you ' ve been waiting for, you will embrace the process and move with it with the greatest ease possible.

你所面對的強度是暫時的,對你已經實現的成長和轉變來說,你已為啟蒙進程的下個階段做好了準備。~ 大天使加百利

The fact that you are handling such intensity is a testimony to the vast amount of growth and shifting you have already attained, and proof that you are ready for the next phase of the enlightenment process you are such an integral part of. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wsdr.html

