2016年2月21日 星期日



A surrendered human being is not only using and flowing with the energies to get their highest results in the most efficient way possible, they are also available to be navigated to the perfect time and place to assist others, to be of their highest service, as well. Through surrender and flow, your prayers become answered, and you become the answer to a prayer. What an amazing system of support and supporting, of love and loving, and you are an integral part of it all through your willingness to move and be moved. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wcic.html


Dear Ones, during such times of intensity it can be helpful to remember that you cannot get it wrong. You are part of a process that is highly intelligent and forward moving. You will not “miss the boat” if you don't get a certain attunement or if you aren't perfect. Your body knows exactly what it is doing, as does your planet and the entire universe.


So rest easy. Feel free to try things, to experience, and know if something is not a match to you, you can simply try again. Know that all movement is ultimately forward movement. Be willing to treat each day as a clean slate and allow yourself to be intuitively led by your innate knowingness.


Above all, know your beingness is more than enough. The fact that you are all shifting so rapidly is proof that you are well on your way and you are doing a much more masterful job with it all than you realize. ~Archangel Gabriel


