2016年2月4日 星期四

聖哲曼 20160128 覺醒之人的自主


„ What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them." (Matthew 15:11)

親愛的一們   Beloved Ones,


These significant “words from Jesus” express the truth of this time. In these words it becomes clear what it always has been about and what it foremost is about today: About inner purity, about the pure and innocent perception of life an all levels.


Where shall you pick up the thread and continue to spin? What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them… Which means that an awakened human Being can no longer be defiled, either in body or in the soul.

覺醒的人   The Awakened One


The awakened one has removed evil from his inside and illumines darkness with Light. An awakened one cannot be diverted from his path of recognition due to any guile, because he immediately recognizes this temptation of the mortal world as such.


Such a human Being cannot be defiled by anything, and even a sluggish, low vibrating and polluted environment leaves no permanent traces in one's soul behind.


Then the awakened one is the Light for the world, is the way for human Beings; is Life and is Love.


It is entirely different for those, who pretend to be awakened. For those, who relate to appearance instead of being, for those, who call themselves gurus or priests, and are not more than human Beings in flesh and blood, because they fail daily in their self-limitations. Whose heart is a pit instead of a polished vessel, and whose inside is defiled instead of refined, is preoccupied to hide these conditions and is far from the path of truth. Whoever stands at the summit in order to be seen and not in order to shine due to his inner Light, is like a jewelry dealer that offers false pearls for genuine ones, and false jewelry as jewels.Please be alert, please remain vigilant and orient your entire aim toward recognition.Each complete condition must at first be created in you, must, before it can come through to the outside, become alive in yourself.


Dedicate yourself to your own perfection, because whoever is incomplete, brings forth the incomplete.


Cease from concealing lacking will for inner work with outer hustle and bustle. Whoever is defiled inside, absorbs the negative from the outer world. Thereby the heart is defiled further and true garbage heaps of unresolved issues pile up.At first attain the condition of purity , cultivate this condition daily and pay attention so that your soul remains a clear and pure source of the divine.Then only the sacred will come out of your mouth and nothing what comes into your mouth will defile you.


Today you see yourself facing a great task, namely, to maintain the vibration of love in powerful discharges. Whoever pays full attention to this point, whoever gets everything under way to keep his own vibration oriented toward Love, cannot be reached by anything or by anybody with dark intentions, be compromised or even be diverted from the path of Light.


What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them…


As you are aware what significance your own redemption work has today and as you become aware that in these days much is being done in order to divert you from your path.


Pay attention to your doing and being. Prepare yourself for the inevitable, whereby you at first refine your inner, so that your outer can become a reflection of this truth.What comes inside can no longer weaken you and what comes out of your mouth strengthen , uplift and heal human Beings.


To become independent of all dark energy fields, today this “autonomy of the awakened one” is necessary to be aimed at with all strength.

我時刻在你身邊   I stand by you in all your efforts.

在無限的愛中   In infinite Love



通靈:Jahn J Kassl    翻譯:Nick Chan

