2022年6月10日 星期五


在 2022 年 6 月 3 日星期五的每日信息中,我們概述了治愈和啟蒙過程的共同軌跡。我們希望您了解的是,一個階段與另一個階段重疊是很常見的。在您準備好永久留在那里之前,您很可能會涉足下一步。通常會有一個來回的過程,直到你完全整合併進化超越一個階段並準備好專注於下一個階段。我們希望向您保證,這是體現過程中完全正常的部分,它使您從一個階段到下一個階段的過渡更容易集成和導航。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

In our daily message on Friday June 3, 2022, we outlined the common trajectory of healing and the enlightenment process. What we would like you to understand is that it is common for one phase to overlap another. You may very well dabble in the next step until you are ready to stay there permanently. There is often a process of back and forth until you have fully integrated and evolved beyond one phase and are ready to concentrate on the next. We wish to reassure you that this is a perfectly normal part of the embodiment process that makes your transitions from one phase to the next much easier to integrate and navigate. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Moving back and forth between two levels of attainment allows you to establish comfort with any new phase. It allows a gradual integration of new energies as well as the time to gain confidence in new abilities. Much like a child will move into a greater level of independence and then retreat back to the comfort of the parent for reassurance, eventually your expansion will take precedence and you will be able to stay in the new energies more consistently. This is all part of the flow of evolution and a very predictable part of the process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

