2021年3月1日 星期一



Shifting beyond codependency doesn’t mean you are no longer going to help people. It means you will start to help people in new, far more empowering ways, and sometimes that will involve lovingly stepping back and holding the space with wisdom and encouragement so others have the opportunity to discover their own divine capability. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The energy of regret is an indicator of growth. It shows that you tried something and have discovered it isn’t a true energetic match to who you really are or who you wish to be.


Some of you experience regret and end up getting stuck there, unable to shift out of the resulting energies of guilt and shame. This actually stalls your own growth and expansion. This amounts to choosing to stay in lower vibrating energies as some form of penance which serves absolutely no one.


If you regret an action, we suggest you apologize in a simple and heartfelt manner, showing that you truly have learned from the experience. Then we encourage you to allow the experience to serve your evolution by moving forward and expressing yourself through your newest level of consciousness.


None of you are going to get it perfect all of the time. That is part of being a human being. You are ever-evolving explorers, trying things, learning, and then trying again. By applying the lessons you have learned through changed choices and behaviours, you are doing exactly what you came into the body to do, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly what is driving the shift of consciousness you are all participating in on your beloved planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

