2020年7月16日 星期四



Moving from resistance to non-resistance takes you to a neutral point. To shift to creation means you must then identify and surrender into the flow towards what your preferred essence is. The first step is to lovingly gather up the energy you were using to push against what was unwanted and then direct it into the nurturing and unfoldment of what your true preference is. All great change is done in this manner – by being willing to disengage with whatever energetic impass you may be in and then using your wisdom and clarity to navigate your way forward as an empowered co-creator of the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, abundance is not something external to you. It is a state of being based on your willingness to move with the flow of both giving and receiving with faith and trust, seeing yourself as connected to all that is, acknowledging your own divine worthiness, and honouring your own ability to expand and create. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Every single step of your journey is important – your successes and what you perceive to be failures – for they are all part of the beautiful unfoldment of who you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


