2020年7月4日 星期六



If you spoke to another person the way you speak to yourself, would they thrive? Would they bloom and grow? Would they have the confidence to try new things? Would they trust themselves? Would they feel safe? Would they feel accepted for who they are? Would they become all they can be? Would they want to be with you?


Creating a safe and supportive environment is essential for the growth, evolution, and connection of all, Dear Ones. True unity consciousness and unconditional love cannot be fully experienced until it has expanded to include the essential element of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, again we say you cannot kick another up the stairway of enlightenment, nor can you berate yourself into the full expression of you. True growth and healing can only occur in a safe environment. It may be that the safe environment only exists within initially, but it is creating a foundation which can then support growth and change outwardly. Creating safe connection points that bridge divisions, both within yourself and with others, and leading with love and compassion are far more efficient ways to get where you wish to go. The abuse must end in order for the true healing to take hold, and that begins in all ways with you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

