2017年6月27日 星期二



Vishnu and Lakshmi floating on Electromagnetic energy through the Sea of​​ Space. Brahma born from Vishnu's belly button, floats on the Cubochtahedron, the Flower of Creation, with his four faces, the Tetragrammaton, forming all Creation.

Who is God A Message From Sananda Through


The Four Sons of Egyptian Horus: Jackal, Human/Angel, Falcon, Baboon.


Four Mind-born Sons of Brahma; Sanaka, Sananda, Sanat and Sanatana Kumara from the Mahabharata.

【誰是神】  Who is God A Message From Sananda Through Elizabeth Trutwin

問候大家,我是撒南達,通過伊麗莎白在說話,現在是2017年6月4日,有人說神的名字可以叫做Tetragrammaton,上帝可以被稱為Tetragrammaton。Tetra在數字4中,gramm 在grammatical語法中(DNA,神聖的藍圖),Aton是“一”或“償還”。

Greetings! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 4, 2017. It has been said the name for God can be called Tetragrammaton. Tetra as in the number 4, gramm as in grammatical (DNA, Divine Blueprint) and Aton as in at - oneness or atone.


Remember the history of All That Is goes back 450 billion years here and trillions of years in other places. We are examining small bits of the whole story. The Tetragrammaton of God represents the Tetrahedron, 64 Tetrahedron as the basis of all life in the Divine Blueprint and the Code language which all life depends on in the Holographic Universe at one with itself.


Octahedron + Tetrahedron = The Trinity Foundation of the Divine Blueprint


Tetrahedron represents the four faces of God. Tetragrammaton


What we may define as All That Is, meaning the material and the antimatter Universes in the Cosmos, was all created in the same moment. This has been referred to as the Bing Bang, although, science has incorrectly defined it. All at one moment everything was created and from there it took aeons of time to form the Planets and all life on them. These creations took different periods of time depending on conditions in different areas, different Universes, Super Clusters, Galaxies, Solar Systems and Planets in the trillions upon trillions in the infinite Universes.

在空間記憶和歷史的某個時間點上,在造物主、父母神之長子誕生,從反物質光宇宙到我們生活的叫內巴頓的物質宇宙中爆發出來。此時,叫作יהוה YhVh 的神(發音瓦赫呵或稱作耶和華)開始稱作耶和華,成為墮落天使,這僅僅源於他感覺比他的造物主少了點兒什麼。這被稱作原罪,因為我們都是造物諸神,也是和父母神一樣的共同創造者。耶和華操縱著地球上的男人和女人,讓他們認為衪是他們的造物主,但衪不是。這造成了系統程序中巨大的誤會,也是宗教讓我們永遠不及格的原因。

At a certain moment in history on space memory the first born son of Creator, Mother-Father God, burst from the antimatter light Universe to the matter Universe we live in now called Nebadon. When this took place, God as the יהוה YhVh (pronounced YahVah or also known as Yehweh) became named Jehovah and became a fallen angel simply from the sense that he felt less than his Creator. This is called original sin because we are all Creator-Gods and Co-Creators with Mother-Father God. Jehovah manipulated men and women living on Earth to believe he was Creator and he was not. This has lead to great misunderstandings in the programming and is why religion has failed us.


Creator, Mother and Father God are a Holy Trinity, or Great Trinity or Trimurti. Each also have consorts or Twin Rays. In Christianity we have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (Mother). In Egypt we have Ra , Alcyone and Sekhmet (Mother). In Hinduism we have Brahma (Ra), Vishnu and Lakshmi (Mother). These are those deities who live within the heavenly realms. They appear in vehicles which we know as Extraterrestrial Phenomena. In Hinduism the English translation says, Flying Cities (Mother Ships) and Flying Cars (Shuttlecraft).



【傳導】Elizabeth Trutwin

