2017年6月1日 星期四


神聖的浩瀚。你會看到超越收縮和約束,擴大和自由。擴大和自由的另一個詞是愛。所以每次你選擇超越恐懼的時候,你都會進一步深入到愛中,這一直是我們希望的 - 進一步深入到愛的經歷中。〜大天使加百利

Dear Ones, for every time you can choose beyond fear, you allow your soul to discover even more of itself and your divine vastness. You get to see beyond the contraction and constraint, into expansion and freedom. Another word for expansion and freedom is love. So every time you choose to move beyond fear, you are moving further into love, and that is always what we wish for you – to move further into the experience of love. ~Archangel Gabriel



There are times for movement and times to stay still. That is the natural ebb and flow of the universe. Because human beings have been taught to glorify doing, they often will do anything rather than understand the value of being.


Don’t be afraid to stop for a moment, Dear Ones. It is ok to take a moment to rest, to catch your breath, to feel into what is being energetically supported, and to assess where you have been and where you would like to go next.


A lull creates a space for assessment and clarity, the flow brings new movement based on the awareness the lull offered. Both will serve you well if you embrace moving with what the energies support, and use your wisdom to fully harness the benefits of each phase. ~Archangel Gabriel

