2020年7月27日 星期一



Not knowing what to do is an indicator that there is nothing you HAVE to do. It is a release from duty. It frees you up to move into the exploration of what you would like to do, create, or experience. It is a wide open space filled with the opportunity for discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


我們邀請您問:“今天我能做些什麼來真正地尊重自我?我可以接受這個空間中的我自己和他人的最燦爛的光芒嗎?” 〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

We invite you to ask, “What can I do today that is a true honouring of self? Can I accept that from that space I can shine my brightest light, both for myself and for others?” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

