2020年7月22日 星期三

【薩南達】關於 建造的時間


I am Sananda. I am here at this time to once again continue to bring you understanding, understanding that will continue to help you move through these times. And yes, for many of you, it seems like trying times. For many across the planet now, it seems like trying times. But for those of you, the Awakened Ones, you, you are all aware that this is so much more than all that is being portrayed by your media, all that is being shown that it is a process of to fear, to shy away from, to feel like this is the end.


Many at this point are feeling like, ‘is this the end of the world, is this the biblical prophesies coming true?’ It is not the end of the world. But it is the biblical prophesies coming true. Not the destruction in those biblical prophesies, but the construc-tion. The New Age of Higher Consciousness that is a part of those biblical projections and prophesies. You are in those moments now. In the new higher consciousness now.

當我們說你已經到達 --- 不是到達最終的目的地,也沒有最終的目的地去到達。但你已經到達轉換的風口浪尖、開端,會帶每個人前進,每一個準備好的人,每一個有意識地為此做好準備的人。

And when we say you have arrived, you have arrived—not at the final destination, and indeed there is no final destination to arrive at. But you have arrived now at the cusp, beginning of the Changeover that is going to bring everyone forward, everyone that is ready, everyone that is a conscious-knowing part of themselves that is prepared for this.

就像我們已經說過很多次的,我們一直在幫這個團隊做好準備,以及世界上的其他團隊,許多人正在進入自己的覺醒意識,進入對自己所是的知曉。一切都在聚集到一起,正如注定般,被精心編排,就像我們說過許多次的。所以取決於你們所有人,你們每個人,去意識到你是甦醒的人以及正在甦醒的人。你會繼續幫助傳播光 --- 而不是恐懼,而是光。

And as we have said many times, we have been preparing this group, Ancient Awakenings, for some time now, as well as many other groups across the planet, and many individuals are coming into their awakening consciousness, coming into their knowing of who they are. And everything is coming together now as it is meant to, being orchestrated as we have said also many times. So it is up to all of you, each and every one of you, to realize that you are the awakened ones and the awakening ones at this point. And you are the ones to continue to help to spread the Light—not the fear, but the Light.


You are the calming ones, the calming influence within all of the storm that is now beginning to rage around. And I say now beginning, because this is not the full brunt of the storm yet. But it is the beginnings of it. And if you can remain calm within the storm, then you will weather through it. You will find yourselves just as you would in a storm that is raging all around your home. But you are safely within your homes, and everything continues to rage around you. That is what you are doing now.


That is what this is all about, as you are preparing for the higher consciousness to be coming in, just as it has been for some time, now, the waves of energy that have been increasing consciousness across the planet, increasing the spread of light across the planet so that light overcomes darkness everywhere. And those of the dark forces are running. They are running scared to every corner of the world that they can.


But notice that those that are coming down with this virus, those are the ones that are in the lower vibratory frequencies within themselves. They are the ones that are getting sick. They are the ones that are succumbing to this virus. But those of you that have strong immune systems and remain more and more at the higher vibratory frequencies of the higher dimensions, fourth and even fifth dimensions, you are not getting sick.


Who do you actually know at this point that has become effected by this virus? Not ones you’ve heard of, but ones that you know personally. And the answer would likely be no one yet at this point. Now that is not to say that that will not.


But it is to say that you, all of you, are strongly protected through this. Not because of what we have done with you, but because of what you have done with yourselves, that you have continued to follow the higher guidance that is coming to you from those of us and from your own higher God-selves within you leading you, guiding you, bringing you into the higher vibrations more and more.


And yes, even we find sometimes kicking and screaming, because you do not want to leave your comfort zones. But you must leave those comfort zones at times. But as you leave those comfort zones, you will find that you will be more and more in that neutral point, in that moment of neutrality within you.


And that in itself will become a comfort zone to you. So you will no longer need contrivances and the contraptions and the technology that has brought you to this point. Not that technology is bad. It is certainly not. Technology is whatever it is to the individual that is using it, whether for purposes of providing support to all of mankind, or for bringing all of mankind down. Technology can be used in whatever way that person is being for it to be.


So we are saying here, I am saying here, that technology that is coming, the higher level of technology, higher consciousness technology, is coming to you, and you will be able to use this technology in many ways to help your fellow brothers and sisters.


And also those of you will come into an understanding, again, of who you are and once again be able to utilize those forces within yourself so that you can somewhat become a super human being. Those are the gifts of Spirit that are coming back, that are returning to all of you. And you will have these abilities beyond the ideas of physics now today. That will become a thing of the past. That is a part of the Changeover that is occurring and is in process now.

你現在完全到達這個點了嗎?很可能沒有。但你正在到達。你在到達下一個站點,我們說。如果你思考一輛旅行中的火車,從一個站點到另一個站點。這就是你正在做的。但就像我之前所說,沒有最後的終點站。一直都是旅程。你總是處於旅程中,完全意識到你與內在神 - 源頭合一的旅程。

Have you fully arrived now at this point? Most likely no. But you are arriving. You are coming to that next station, we will say. If you think about a train that is traveling along and moving from station to station. That is what you are doing now. But as I said earlier, there is no final station to ever arrive at. It is always the journey. You are always and always will be on the journey, the journey to come back to the complete realization that you are ONE with the God-source within you, have always been, and always will be.


I am Sananda, and I leave you now in love, and peace, and harmony, and order, and oneness within you. And know that I, and all of those that work with me, are here with you now, and will always be with you, and have always been with you.

傳導:James McConnell.    譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月02日.

