2020年2月2日 星期日



You are in the midst of making the monumental shift from living according to what you or others think you should do to living according to what you wish to create and experience. This can take some getting used to!


If you had all the money in the world, what would you do? If you didn’t know a single person on the planet, what would you do? If you knew with 100% certainty that you couldn’t fail, what would you do? These questions can help you identify areas you are still holding yourself back through self imposed limitations or a desire to impress or please others.


As pioneers your greatest value comes from experience, for it is through experience that you expand and define what is now possible and what is a match to who you are today. Do you see? It is absolutely safe for you to start living your life according to what feels right for you, Dear Ones, in fact, that is exactly what you are on the planet to do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



How can you create the safe space that allows your inner child to feel free to come to the forefront and connect you to the magic that abounds around you through its curiosity and wonder? What encouragement does that little you need? How long has it been waiting for you to acknowledge it and coax it out of hiding? If you are not having enough fun in your life, why not connect to the part of you whose specialties are fun, play, and presence, and let it joyfully lead the way? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

