2019年12月15日 星期日



The more present you are with a person, the more loved they feel. The more present you are with yourself, the more loved you feel. Isn’t that remarkable? All you have to do is be fully engaged in any now moment in order to experience and express the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



You have heard us and many others talk about following your joy. Why is joy so important? For several reasons.

當您感到喜悅時,您就充分存在了。感激不盡 您已接受。你在心裡 您正在擁抱將帶領您發揮最大潛力的流程。您正在體驗與現在時刻完全一致的體驗,這使您可以作為靈魂和源頭獲得更多的存在。此外,您歡迎這種感覺,它使您以一種美妙而充滿活力的方式完全融入自己的身體。

When you are in an experience of joy, you are fully present. You are grateful. You are in acceptance. You are in your heart. You are embracing the flow which will lead you to your greatest potentials. You are experiencing yourself in complete alignment with your now moment, which allows even more beingness as soul and Source. Further, you welcome the feeling which allows you to be fully in your body in a way that feels wonderful and is energetically transformative.


Joy has never been frivolous, Dear Ones. Find your joy. Follow your joy! It is waiting to be discovered both in small magic moments and in bigger experiences, as well. However you find it, know it will serve you in a myriad of ways as it anchors the energies of heaven on earth and assists the grand shift on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

