2017年8月24日 星期四



Dear Ones, you have all changed markedly as you continue to shift with the energies. So much so, we recommend taking the time to get to know yourselves again.

這是什麼意思?你已經釋放瞭如此多的創傷,限制了信仰系統,恐懼和阻塞 - 重要的是停止和問自己你真正選擇和喜歡什麼,你願意做什麼不同,現在確保你不攜帶轉發舊的條件回答簡單的習慣。

What do we mean by this? You have released so much – so many wounds, limiting belief systems, fears, and blockages – it is important to stop and ask yourselves what you really choose and prefer and what you are willing to do differently now to ensure that you aren’t carrying forward old conditioned responses simply out of habit.


This only takes a second. Instead of giving an answer to anything immediately, just take a moment to check in with who you are today. If you normally speed through tasks, take a moment to slow down and be present. If you used to like to control things, why not try to surrender and flow and see how that feels? It might help to ask, “How does the newest version of myself like to do things?”


There are so many options and ways to expand moving forward. Give your souls the freedom to shine and express themselves in their new energetic states, for there is much to discover and explore, both in your internal and external worlds. ~Archangel Gabriel


