2017年8月18日 星期五



Dear Ones, even your own reactiveness holds gifts for you. Most of you are very mindful and feel great distress if you respond in a way that is out of character for you. The first thing to ask yourself if you have been reactive is, “How have I not been showing up for myself?” And then, “What part of me is in pain? Is not feeling safe or secure? Is desperate for my love and attention?”


Reactiveness is often a sign that you have neglected yourself or stuffed feelings for a very long time. What the intense, transformative energies of the eclipse season you are in are doing is pushing everything up to the surface so you can address what you need once and for all.

你是人類在前所未有的體驗中發揮的作用。你很溫柔好 你正在推動你的星球上的轉變!如果你有一段時間讓你感到後悔,而不是懲罰自己,進一步傷害自己,我們敦促你對自己表現出同情,接受和理解,並給予你無條件的愛和關心,你需要治愈那些你是絕望的你的注意和認可。

You are human beings playing in the realm of unprecedented experience. You are tender and good. You are driving the shift on your planet! If you have a moment that you regret, rather than punishing yourself and wounding yourself even further, we urge you to show up with compassion, acceptance, and understanding for yourself and to give yourself the unconditional love and care you need to heal those bits of you that are desperate for your attention and acknowledgment.

全面,完整地展現自己,讓您能夠為別人展現更多的魅力。這就是你的靈魂所需要的更多 - 無條件的愛,接受和團結意識。而且,親愛的,必須從裡面開始,因為你是這一切的組成部分。〜大天使加百利

Showing up for yourself, wholly and completely, allows you to show up even more for others. That is what your soul wants more than anything else – unconditional love, acceptance, and unity consciousness for all. And that, Dear Ones, must begin within, for you are an integral part of that all. 
~Archangel Gabriel


