2017年8月15日 星期二



One of the most nurturing things you can do for yourselves, especially during times of energetic intensity, is to consciously connect with the sun and allow the healing rays to wash over you and soothe you. You and the sun are so connected and it is playing a major role in your enlightenment process. It is a wonderful resource that we encourage you to utilize for your healing, shifting, and comfort. Ten minutes a day on your bare skin with the clear intention to receive its gifts and support is all that is required. ~Archangel Gabriel



Dear Ones, the greater your discomfort, the greater your resistance. It may be resistance to a situation, a circumstance, the energies, or where the flow is trying to take you, but make no mistake, if you are uncomfortable resistance is at its core.


It is designed that way on purpose. Your discomfort is not to punish you, or a cross to bear. It is simply a redirectional tool. It’s role is to make it too uncomfortable to stay the same and get you back into the movement that your soul is wishing you to experience.


So how do you get out of discomfort? Surrender. Get into the flow. Commit to staying out of your own way and having your guides and helpers lead you. Practice acceptance. Consciously use gratitude and appreciation for what is working in your life in each Now moment. You see, Dear Ones, you simply cannot be resistant and grateful at the same time.

Your soul knows exactly what it is trying to do and where it wants to go. Allow it to take the lead and drop the struggle, and you will be surprised at how you will feel an immediate lightening of your load and begin to move toward the comfort and expansion you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel

