2017年8月23日 星期三


親愛的,在強度的時候,很難看出你在哪裡。那就好了 你不必做出任何決定超越
你想在每個現在的時刻。事實上,這是強烈的禮物之一 - 在“真實”中真正成為您創作的基礎。

Dear Ones, in times of intensity it can be difficult to see beyond where you are. That is just fine! You don’t have to make any decisions beyond what you would like in each Now moment. In fact, that is one of the gifts of intensity – getting your full attention in the Now which is really your power base for creation.


So if you don’t have a clear intention for your future, take it one step at a time. Focus on what you do know and what your preferences are right now. Take a moment to give thanks for what is working for you, and rest easy knowing that you are always creating, and guided, from that place of presence.


Do you see? Your future is the result of the accumulation of many Now moments that are always reflecting what you prefer, and who you are evolving into. ~Archangel Gabriel


